UK Lotto Results for Wednesday, 23rd August 2023

Draw date: Wednesday, 23rd August 2023
The Jackpot was: £5,106,856
13 16 23 32 37 57 15

Used Machine: Merlin
Ball Set: 1

Odd VS Even balls ratio: 4 ODD balls / 2 EVEN balls Occurs Most Often

Sum of Main Balls: 178 Occurs Most Often

Prize Breakdown

Match # of winners prize / winner prize fund
6 1 £5,106,856 £5,106,856
5+Bonus 0 £ £0
5 44 £1,750 £77,000
4 2,539 £140 £355,460
3 62,983 £30 £1,889,490
2 628,741 Free Lotto Lucky Dip (worth £2) £1,257,482
Totals 694,308 £8,686,288

How to win UK Lotto

Increase your chances to win the jackpot by following these expert tips and strategies:

How To Win UK Lotto
Lottery Balls